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Welcome to colourbackdrop.com

Painting your house can be a very stressful activity,
but with our help we can ensure that you will have an
energizing and inspiring experience. Despite what many say,
the colours in your house is quite an influence on
how you feel, what you eat, and even what you do.

Q: What colour should I paint my child's room? Should I let them choose the colour?
A: Children like bright, loud colours. Choose soft pastel colours for them, rather than them choose neon tones.

Q: What colour should I paint my kitchen?
A: Scientifically, red makes people hungry. If you want to avoid eating a lot, try painting it a blue or a purple.

Q: What colour should I paint my bedroom?
A: Most people say that the colour in their bedroom doesn't make them sleepy or not, but studies show that reds, yellows, and even pink can make a person feel sleepy.

Helpful links:
1: http://www.lifeclever.com/pick-perfect-colors-for-your-home/
2: http://freshome.com/2007/04/17/room-color-and-how-it-affects-your-mood/
3: http://www.worqx.com/color/